Southern Stilo Car Club hosts their 1st Annual Lowrider Holiday Picnic

June 22, 2024 | Words & Photos: LRS Staff

This past weekend marked the first weekend of summer and the celebration of the California Lowrider Holiday. Festivities were centered around June 23rd at Capitol Mall, with various local events and picnics held nationwide in support of the unofficial holiday. One such event took place at Upland Memorial Park, hosted by the Southern Stilo Car Club.

This gathering also served as Southern Stilo’s inaugural annual picnic, and guests were treated to delicious food, camaraderie, and the company of great company. When we heard about their first Holiday Picnic, attending to support Southern Stilo was an easy decision. Despite the hot weather, the experience was well worth it, and as always, we’ll gladly support good folks! Congrats to Southern Stilo and we’ll catch you at the next one. 

As always, it was good to see everyone out there including all the usual suspects, the Quata sisters, Rick, Eddie and Ernie! 

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