Lowriding in Westminister for the Sickside Car Club New Year's Day Meet
Coverage: Daniel J. | Date: 1.05.2022
Clean ’64 making it’s rounds
Laid out ’57 with the red rag from S-Klub
Fresh out: Westside CC 1964 Impala
Lowriding is one of the most fascinating, yet misunderstood parts of car culture. With stereotypes of lowriders being for gangsters or troublemakers, that same misinformation has cast a shadow on lowriding that’s been slow to shake. As a community, lowriding is all about family and good times. Are there fights at lowrider shows or meets? Yes. It definitely happens, but not anymore so than any other car community including Hot Rods, the Import scene or NASCAR.
For the most part, lowriding is all about camaraderie and sharing what you’ve built. These cars are works of art, the bond between our brothers and sisters, unbreakable, but above all, lowriding is all about sharing the culture with anyone willing to look or listen.
Here’s a few snaps from the New Years Day meet that went down in Westminster, and I encourage anyone interested in cars or lowriding to attend anyone of the meets and shows and see for yourself why lowriding is slowly breaking barriers and becoming a part of automotive culture that is slowly but surely gaining the respect of folks who once frowned up on it.
Till next time, keep your chrome clean and your batteries charged.